Bionic Action
Bionic Action
Bionic Action
Bionic Action

Bionic Action

Chest Protector

Artikelnummer 218837

2 Bedömningar

RFP 1 336,55 kr 2
1 202,84 kr 1

Bionic Action Chest Protector

The Alpinestars Bionic Action Chest Protector is an ultra-lightweight protection system for the upper body. Due to the completely new Cell Technology the chest protector also offers optimal ventilation. The new back protector, with its softer texture, ensures ideal adaptability.

Comfort / Feautures:

  • brand new Cell-Technology for maximum breathability and air circulation of the protectors
  • ultralight weight
  • optimal ventilation
  • excellent protection against shocks and an impact on the upper body
  • Hard shell plates with bio-foam padding for a secure and comfortable fit
  • flexible sides to adapt to the driver
  • new back protector with softer formulation
  • adjustable shoulder straps for an optimal fit
  • easy and quick to put on


  • back protector - EN 1621-2:2014 LEVEL 1
  • chest protector EN 1621-3:2018 LEVEL 1

Manufacturer: Alpinestars S.p.A. | Viale E. Fermi 5 | 31011 Asolo | Italien |
Bedömningar (2)
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