Viktiga upplysningar
Cardo’s new communication system, the Packtalk Pro, is equipped with a special chip that detects falls and sends out an important message in an emergency. But that’s just part of the features. It comes standard with extra-large, powerful 45 mm JBL speakers that provide the best sound in the industry. The Packtalk Pro is not only smart, but also visually appealing with its matte black finish. It supports your active lifestyle with an automatic on/off function and a waterproof IP67 design. With the 2nd generation Dynamic Mesh Technology, you only need to set up the intercom group once and DMC re-establishes the connection again and again, with up to 15 riders, a range of up to 1.6 km and in groups even up to 8 km. It is compatible with Bluetooth systems from other brands and offers Bluetooth 5.2 connectivity for up to two devices like mobile phone and GPS. With the Packtalk Pro, impressive performance becomes standard.
- Integrated fall detection chip
- Automatic on/off
- Simple and secure magnetic Air Mount
- IP67 waterproof
- 2nd Generation DMC (Dynamic Mesh Communication)
- Intercom Automatic connection recovery
- Universal Bluetooth intercom
- Group size: up to 15 riders
- Rider to rider range: up to 1.6 km
- 2 channels for mobile phone and GPS
- Bluetooth 5.2
- Natural voice control
- Multilingual status announcements
- Talk time: up to 13 hours
- Charging time: up to 2 hours
- Quick charge: 2 hours of talk time after 20 minutes of charging
- Standby time: 10 days
- FM radio
- Memory for 6 radio stations
- Cardo Connect App
- Sound by JBL
- 45 mm JBL speakers
- JBL audio profiles
- Automatic volume adjustment
- Robust and universal USB Type-C for easy connections with any device.
Package includes:
- 1 x Cardo Packtalk Pro
- 1 x Packtalk mounting unit
- 4 x Velcro adhesive pads
- 2 x Speaker boosters
- 1 x Cable microphone
- 1 x Hybrid microphone
- 1 x Pair of 45mm speakers
- 1 x Long clamps
- 1 x Short clamps
- 2 x Alcohol pads
- 1 x USB-C cable
registration number WEEE: NPWD 349771 Manufacturer: Cardo International GmbH | Schlesische Str. 135 | 94315 Straubing | Deutschland | |
Bluetooth-kommunikation från marknadsledaren
Sedan flera år pådriver Cardo utvecklingen inom området för kommunikationssystem för motorcykelförare. Det US-amerikanska företaget är pionjär och marknadsledare i branschen. Om du under åkturen vill kommunicera, telefonera, låta navigatorn vägleda eller lyssna på egna MP3-filer i bästa stereokvalitet har du alltså hittat rätt hos Cardo. Det breda sortimentet, som har allt från gedigna nybörjarmodeller till det multifunktionella underhållningssystemet, omfattar produkter som passar alla krav. Cardos kvalitet och kompetens har dessutom även övertygat andra tillverkare i premiumkategorin. Schubert har exempelvis låtit producera sitt Bluetooth-system av Cardo.
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