Shoei Hjälmadapter
Shoei Hjälmadapter
Shoei Hjälmadapter
Shoei Hjälmadapter
Shoei Hjälmadapter
Shoei Hjälmadapter
Shoei Hjälmadapter
Shoei Hjälmadapter

Shoei Hjälmadapter

Artikelnummer 10057041

2 Bedömningar

230,39 kr 1

Shoei Hjälmadapter

The Cardo Shoei Helmet Adapter makes it easier to attach your Packtalk Edge, Neo or Custom communication unit to Shoei helmets of the types Neotec II, GT-Air II and J-Cruise II.

Product details:
  • Easy mounting: the adapter fits perfectly into the prefabricated mounting area on your Shoei helmet.
  • Adhesive tape attachment: Remove the adapter from the packaging and securely attach it to the designated area using the adhesive tape provided.
  • Safety guaranteed: Make sure that the adapter sits correctly and does not slip. The adhesive tape ensures a reliable fixation.

With the Cardo Shoei Helmet Adapter, you can attach your communication unit effortlessly and concentrate on your ride.
Manufacturer: Cardo International GmbH | Schlesische Str. 135 | 94315 Straubing | Deutschland | |
Bedömningar (2)
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