Detlev Louis DL-GM-5 handskar
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Detlev Louis DL-GM-5 handskar
Dessa coola läderhandskar av mjukt getskinn är helt rätt för promenader genom staden och på landsbygden. Detlev Louis *DL-GM-5* är underbart bekväma och har ett mycket lätt innerfoder och är behagligt luftiga tack vare stora perforeringar. Bra passform tack vare kardborreknäppningen.
- Dubbelt läder på handflatan
- Justering av vidden på handleden med kardborreband
- Fingerögla för enkel avtagning av handskarna
- Perforerad ovanhand
- Ovan- och innerhand av getskinn
- Innerfoder 100 % polyester
Till Detlev Louis märkesbutiken
Kläder och tillbehör för motorcykelentusiaster
Hos märket Detlev Louis – Motorcycle Gear, finns mer än 80 års passion för och erfarenhet av motorcyklar. Det märker man på den diskreta och eleganta designen, det smidiga lädret, de robusta textilerna, den noggranna tillverkningen och de funktionella detaljerna. I Detlev Louis – Motorcycle Gear finns en bra bit av ”de gamla goda tiderna” kvar i det 21:a århundradet, när det gäller kvalitet och lång hållbarhet.
Most traditional, high-quality outer material with cult status for motorcycle clothing and accessories. Unmistakable in its natural, high-quality look, the strong image, ideally suited to both figure-hugging and highly functional designs. The biker's "second skin" still has the edge over any textile material when it comes to safety and resistance to abrasion and tearing. The way the material stretches as the clothing is worn means that leather clothing adapts to the body contours ideally, thus also guaranteeing that protectors fit optimally. Leather clothing should therefore always be bought with a close fit. Impregnation, leather oil and surface coatings guarantee good weather protection and a degree of rainproofing, but unfortunately also limit the breathability. Relatively heavy, but enthusiasts value this as a "quality feature". Looked after properly, it is very durable. Because leather does not itself offer much thermal insulation, the other features of the garment, or the base layers of clothing, must provide some help here.
This product can be used for many vehicle types, but does not have an EC type approval (E-mark), ABE, TÜV certificate or other type approval and approval marks. They are therefore not approved for use in road traffic within the scope of the German StVZO. They may only be fitted and used on the vehicle for racing, competition or show purposes (classic cars, collectors, etc.). Before they can be used on the road, they must be individually approved by your TÜV test center. We cannot guarantee whether such individual approval is possible. Please also note our information on the relevant approval regulations (Section III), e.g. in our General Terms and Conditions (GTC), also for use outside Germany.
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