DL-GW-5 Ladies
DL-GW-5 Ladies
DL-GW-5 Ladies
DL-GW-5 Ladies
Detlev Louis

DL-GW-5 Ladies


Artikelnummer 210752

Inga bedömningar än.

RFP 501,31 kr 2
233,89 kr 1

DL-GW-5 Ladies Gloves

Light summer gloves, like the Detlev Louis *DL-GW-5*, are part of the basic equipment for female motorcyclists. Sweaty hands heated up by the sun and high temperatures are terribly unpleasant. Steering, accelerating, operating the clutch and brake become a torture when the hands slowly soften in the moisture. With the *DL-GW-5* there is no difficulty. While the backhand made of textile fabric heats up less and lets a pleasantly cooling breeze refresh your hands, goatskin provides a good grip on the handlebars and levers.

  • Stretch inserts on fingers and backhand
  • Palm reinforcement covered with leather
  • Width adjustment at wrist with velcro strap

  • Backhand made of textile fabric (100 % polyamide)
  • Underhand made of goatskin
  • light lining (backhand 100 % cotton, underhand 100 % polyester)

  • certified according to EN13594:2015
Manufacturer: Detlev Louis Motorrad-Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH | Rungedamm 35 | 21035 Hamburg | Germany | Tel. 00 49 (0) 40 – 734 193 60 | service@louis.de | www.louis.de


  • Outershell back of the hand: Textile mix (see product description)
  • Outershell palm: goatskin
  • Membrane: none
  • Lining: Textile mix (see product description)
  • Additional Features: none
  • Width Adjustment: cuff and wrist
  • Knuckle protection: none
  • Country of manufacture: Indonesia
  • Certification: CE certified according to EN 13594:2015
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