Viktiga upplysningar
Tappezzeria seat covers are an excellent choice for anyone who wants to improve the appearance and protection of their motorbike. These covers are made from high quality materials that are robust and hardwearing to ensure a long life. The design is simple and classic to create a timeless aesthetic that perfectly complements any motorbike.
All Tappezzeria seat covers are made from 100% waterproof materials. The seams are welded from the inside to prevent water infiltration and ensure 80% waterproofing. However, infiltration can occur if the saddle is exposed to rain or high-pressure washing for a long time. These events, although rare, are not due to a defect in the coating.
The coating of the seat covers is coupled with a latex sponge, which gives the seat more softness. They are ideal for long journeys as they are weatherproof. The double stitching is reinforced to ensure high resistance to chemicals. Detailed assembly instructions are included.
Important assembly instructions:
- An assembly video (see picture gallery) shows how to fit the seat covers correctly. However, we recommend having the covers fitted by a workshop.
- Please be sure to follow the instructions regarding the tools required!
Made in Italy
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