3D-Skin Cool Funktionell
3D-Skin Cool Funktionell
3D-Skin Cool Funktionell
3D-Skin Cool Funktionell
3D-Skin Cool Funktionell
3D-Skin Cool Funktionell
3D-Skin Cool Funktionell
3D-Skin Cool Funktionell

3D-Skin Cool Funktionell


Artikelnummer 210084

16 Bedömningar

824,23 kr 1

3D-Skin Cool Funktionell Skjorta

Sporty look, body-hugging fit, seamless workmanship and optimised breathability: with the Held 3D-Skin Cool Shirt you will become the hero of the road.


  • optimal breathability
  • temperature regulating, cools in summer
  • seamlessly processed in 3D knitting technology (seamless)
  • bacteriostatic effect, antibacterial and odour-neutralising through SILVERPLUS finish


  • Held-Strechfit: 75% Polyamide, 20% Polyester, 5% Elasthane

Good to know:
SILVERPLUS is the most intelligent and innovative way to economically and ecologically transport your textile into a new dimension of freshness. The textile SILVERPLUS protective finish protects your textile from unpleasant body odours even at low washing temperatures.

Manufacturer: Held GmbH | An Der Ostrach 7 | 87545 Burgberg-Erzfloesse | Germany | +49 832166460 | info@held.de | www.held.de
Bedömningar (16)
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