Artikelnummer 10080216
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2 202,93 kr 1
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Introducing the new 100% waterproof motorbike luggage. Kriega ROLLPACKS are available in two sizes and different colours and are the perfect accessory for any motorbike enthusiast looking for a robust, lightweight and easy to assemble transport solution.
The outer material is made of 420D Cordura® LITE and the liner has taped seams to guarantee waterproofness.
The ROLLPACK is designed to withstand the toughest conditions and provide maximum protection for your belongings. The double-sided roll closure offers a flexible, waterproof solution with easy access from both ends.
The ROLLPACK can be securely rolled up and attached to the pillion seat or a luggage rack of the motorbike when additional storage space is required. For quick and easy installation, the supplied buckle straps are looped around the motorbike frame and fastened to the ROLLPACK. Subframe loops are also included for motorbikes that do not have a visible frame or luggage rack.
100 % waterproof
Universal fit for every motorbike type
Easy installation on the pillion seat or luggage rack
Double roll-top fastener
Robust and durable 420D Cordura® LITE construction
Aircraft alloy hooks
Compression straps to adjust the packing volume
CAPACITY 40 litres
WEIGHT 858 g
Introducing the new 100% waterproof motorbike luggage. Kriega ROLLPACKS are available in two sizes and different colours and are the perfect accessory for any motorbike enthusiast looking for a robust, lightweight and easy to assemble transport solution.
The outer material is made of 420D Cordura® LITE and the liner has taped seams to guarantee waterproofness.
The ROLLPACK is designed to withstand the toughest conditions and provide maximum protection for your belongings. The double-sided roll closure offers a flexible, waterproof solution with easy access from both ends.
The ROLLPACK can be securely rolled up and attached to the pillion seat or a luggage rack of the motorbike when additional storage space is required. For quick and easy installation, the supplied buckle straps are looped around the motorbike frame and fastened to the ROLLPACK. Subframe loops are also included for motorbikes that do not have a visible frame or luggage rack.
100 % waterproof
Universal fit for every motorbike type
Easy installation on the pillion seat or luggage rack
Double roll-top fastener
Robust and durable 420D Cordura® LITE construction
Aircraft alloy hooks
Compression straps to adjust the packing volume
CAPACITY 40 litres
WEIGHT 858 g
Manufacturer: Germot Zweirad-Zubehör Vertriebs GmbH | Daimlerstraße 4 | 63303 Dreieich | Germany | +49 6103459100 | |
Tillverkarinformation: Kriega
Dom Longman och Michael Cottam är grundarna av märket Kriega. De motorcykelgalna produktdesignerna var redan aktiva inom outdoor-branschen när de år 2000 gick samman för att skapa de perfekta väskorna för sina egna turer. Båda två hade klara prioriteringar för att lyckas: Funktion skulle vara det viktigaste, utseende och prissättning endast sekundära. Ett sådant tankesätt har naturligtvis konsekvenser: Bagagesystem från Kriega är helt klart inte billiga – men ändock prisvärda. Samtidigt gör material- och konstruktionskvaliteten att prislappen blir mindre viktig. Dessutom tillkommer de många kombinationsmöjligheterna hos de enskilda delarna som passar perfekt till varandra. Förresten: US står hos Kriega för Universal System och OS för Overlander System. Den senare är speciellt tillverkad för tuff användning i terräng. Kriegas kvalitetskoncept har inte bara övertygat oss. Firman med säte några kilometer söder om Liverpool säljer idag sina väskor, ryggsäckar och fastsättningssystem i över 40 länder.
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