Screw Grip, 20g
Screw Grip, 20g

Screw Grip, 20g

20 G

Artikelnummer 10080226

Inga bedömningar än.

199,15 kr 1
Grundpris: 1 kg = 9 957,47 kr1

Screw Grip, 20g 20 G

Restores the grip and stability of worn screw heads and tools. All standard screw types can be easily tightened and loosened with Screw Grip. Immediately effective (without curing). Can also be used upside down. Simply wipe off after use.

For loosening damaged screw heads of all types, including slot, cross-head, hexagon head, hexagon socket, triple-square and Torx screws.
  • also suitable for overhead work
  • simple to use
  • increases the friction
  • no materials on the tool wallet
  • clean application

How to use
Knead the tube well before use. Then apply 1 drop in or around the damaged screw head. Apply and move the tool cleanly several times so that the crystals interlock. This gives the tool a grip and hold and the screw can be loosened effortlessly.
Manufacturer: Liqui Moly GmbH | Jerg-Wieland-Str. 4 | 89081 Ulm-Lehr | Germany | +49 73114200 | |
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