Viktiga upplysningar
Motörhead - we never forget! For fans of the legendary rock band and everyone who knows a really good pure cotton shirt jacket when they see it. Here comes the *Motörhead* Vintage Shirt by Bandit. With fantastic details, and a look that really rocks. The real deal!
- Shoulder straps
- Patch pockets
- Motörhead logo over the heart
- Fantasy badge pin on right chest pocket
- Material: 100% cotton
Manufacturer: Brandit Textil GmbH | Spichernstrasse 6a | 50672 Köln | Germany | +49 (0)221-933 844 0 | |
Leisurewear for Lemmy fans
"We are Motörhead and we play rock and roll!" With these words, bass-player Ian Fraser "Lemmy" Kilmister opened countless concerts with the band he formed in 1975. Style-wise, Motörhead were somewhere between punk, hard rock, heavy metal, psychedelia and classic rock 'n' roll. They knew how to please punks and heavy metal fans alike, filling concert venues. Lemmy's wonderfully raspy voice and distorted bass, which he played more like a rhythm guitar, are the band's acoustic trademarks. Hard, loud, fast and non-conforming. Motörhead have enjoyed cult status for decades, and somehow everybody knows this band. Everything written or filmed about the band and their frontman, who was equally famous for his charisma and hard drinking, are absolutely worth reading and seeing, even if you're not necessarily a fan of the band. Lemmy Kilmister died just four days after his 70th birthday, on 28th December 2015, and shortly afterwards drummer Mickey Dee announced that the band were calling it a day. They will always remain iconic.
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