S-1 Fiber (70-DKS263)
S-1 Fiber (70-DKS263)

S-1 Fiber (70-DKS263)

Pinlock Lens

Artikelnummer 20017997

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334,17 kr 1

S-1 Fiber (70-DKS263) Pinlock Lens

Pinlock inner lens, suitable for the following helmet:
  • MTR S-1 Fiber
NOTE: Remove the protective film from the visor before use!
Pinlock visors - The Pinlock system offers optimum protection against unpleasant fogging of the visor. A fog-free Pinlock inner visor is attached to the correspondingly prepared Pinlock outer visor using two small pins. The sealed air chamber between the inner and outer visor guarantees a clear view and thus makes a decisive contribution to riding safety.

Think about your safety and never ride with a scratched or blind visor. Especially at night, the scratches and scuffs reflect the light from street lighting and/or oncoming vehicles. Rain can intensify this effect. Never ride in the dark/at night with a dark visor. Replace a worn visor in good time. Always take a spare visor with you on your vacation tour.
Manufacturer: Pinlock | Zilverparkkade 134 | 8232 WL Lelystad | Niederlande | info@pinlock.com
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