

Artikelnummer 10001563

1 Bedömning

RFP 338,04 kr 2
259,48 kr 1


Nolan n-com multimedia cable

The multimedia cable allows the n-com Basic Kit to be connected to the latest multimedia devices, such as CD or MP3 players, GPS sat nav systems etc.

MPORTANT: Please select the right cable for the multimedia system. You will find a listing under "links to product".

Furhter the n-com cable for the Honda Goldwing (Order no.10001453) and the n-com cable for the Garmin Zumo (Order no.10001452) can only be used in combination with the n-com E-Box Bluetooth (Order no. 10001411) or the n-com E-Box Intercom (Order no.10001410). It is not possible to use this cable with helmets that only have the Basic Kit fitted.

Further options with the n-com modular system:

  • Intercom function - with the n-com E-box Intercom

The n-com E-box Intercom permits communication with the pillion via the intercom cable. Further the volume of the E-box is regulable.

  • Bluetooth function - with the n-com E-box Bluetooth

The n-com E-box Bluetooth allows Bluetooth-enabled mobile phones and multimedia devices to be connected. It is also possible to communicate with the pillion via the Bluetooth connection. Moreover, the setting of the volume is regulable.

Bedömning (1)
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