BN NBVCPuig Frontkåpa
BN NBVCPuig Frontkåpa
BN NBVCPuig Frontkåpa
BN NBVCPuig Frontkåpa
BN NBVCPuig Frontkåpa
BN NBVCPuig Frontkåpa
BN NBVCPuig Frontkåpa
BN NBVCPuig Frontkåpa
BN NBVCPuig Frontkåpa
BN NBVCPuig Frontkåpa
BN NBVCPuig Frontkåpa
BN NBVCPuig Frontkåpa
BN NBVCPuig Frontkåpa
BN NBVCPuig Frontkåpa

BN NBVCPuig Frontkåpa

Svart, med typgodkännande

Artikelnummer 10012131

12 Bedömningar

Hitta din motorcykel:
1 020,55 kr 1

BN NBVCPuig Frontkåpa Svart, med typgodkännande

It means this front fairing is perfect for various popular retro bikes, and gives them a rather special look.

  • high-quality, matt black metal surface
  • Material: aluminium
  • incl. universal mounting kit for handlebar mounting
  • incl. assembly instructions

For all the listed motorcycles, front fairings from Puig are type-approved for Germany, so no entry is required in the vehicle papers.

If you're ordering from outside Germany, please note:
Before ordering, you should check the legal regulations that apply in your country for using such a front fairing on your vehicle.

Manufacturer: Moto Plastic S.A | Molino De La Sal. 1 | 08403 Granollers | Spain | +34 938490633 | |
Bedömningar (12)
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