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MT-09 / MT-09 TRACER

Artikelnummer 10077346

2 Bedömningar

Hitta din motorcykel:
RFP 507,33 kr 2
338,26 kr 1

MT-09 / MT-09 TRACER

LSL SlideWing Mounting Kit

LSL Crash Pads are well known for 20 years and serve to protect the motorcycle in the event of a fall largely from damage. The name "SlideWing" plays on the combination of the two terms "Slide" and "Wing".
In its aerodynamic function as an aerofoil (wing) attached to the outside, the SlideWing serves as a crash protector after a slip (slide).

The plastic head is designed in its shape and profile like an inverted airplane wing and is therefore very aerodynamic.
thereby very aerodynamic which fits very modern motorcycles and is fully in the trend.

  • The mounting kits already developed for the Crash Pads serve as mounts for the SlideWing.
  • A high-strength, fiberglass-reinforced polyamide is used for the extraordinary stress.

Scope of supply: 1 set L+R (Please note when ordering that the attachment kits are supplied without LSL SlideWing® heads and these must be ordered separately.)

Please note that, depending on the vehicle, it may be necessary to drill holes in the panelling.

Manufacturer: Paaschburg & Wunderlich GmbH | Am Alten Lokschuppen 10a | 21509 Glinde | Germany | +49 402482770 | |

Bedömningar (2)
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