SP Connect
iPhone Smartphone Mount Set
Artikelnummer 10038400
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1 095,66 kr 2
från 536,05 kr 1
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iPhone Smartphone Mount Set MOTO BUNDLE
Navigating by means of an app on a smartphone or mobile phone is becoming increasingly popular. However, it sometimes does not look very professional when the expensive multi-purpose phone is attached to the motorbike handlebars with gaffa tape or some abstract construction. SP Connect offers stable, design-oriented, high-quality solutions for special smartphones and universal devices. For example, the *MOTO BUNDLE*.
With this, the mobile phone can be securely and comfortably fixed to the motorbike in the proverbial twinkling of an eye.
The SP Connect *MOTO BUNDLE* consists of:
The handlebar mount is screwed onto the handlebar of the motorbike. The smartphone is inserted into the case and can now be connected to the *MOTO MOUNT PRO* via the locking mechanism on the back by turning it 90°.
Depending on how the handlebar mount is attached, the mobile phone is securely positioned in the rider's field of vision. This means that all apps and functions can be conveniently controlled and operated.
The weather protection *WEATHER COVER* reliably protects the smartphone from rain and dirt and ensures additional shock resistance.
Further features:
With this, the mobile phone can be securely and comfortably fixed to the motorbike in the proverbial twinkling of an eye.
The SP Connect *MOTO BUNDLE* consists of:
- the *PHONE CASE* cover
- and the handlebar mount *MOTO MOUNT PRO*
The handlebar mount is screwed onto the handlebar of the motorbike. The smartphone is inserted into the case and can now be connected to the *MOTO MOUNT PRO* via the locking mechanism on the back by turning it 90°.
Depending on how the handlebar mount is attached, the mobile phone is securely positioned in the rider's field of vision. This means that all apps and functions can be conveniently controlled and operated.
The weather protection *WEATHER COVER* reliably protects the smartphone from rain and dirt and ensures additional shock resistance.
Further features:
- compatible with all SP Connect products
- secure locking by 90° rotation
- additional smartphone protection
- slim, protective, functional
- use of all connections and buttons
- 3-layer construction for ultimate protection
- vibration damping
- CNC machined from aircraft grade aluminium
- landscape or portrait mounting
- super stable 360° adjustment in 6° steps
- fits standard and oversize handlebars (2.22 / 2.54 / 2.86 / 3.17 cm or 0.875 / 1.0 / 1.125 / 1.25 inch diameter)
- protects against rain, sweat, dust and mud
- provides additional impact resistance
- Heavy screen protectors or gloves may limit the usability of your touchscreen in combination with the *WEATHER COVER*. The weather cover interferes with the home button functionality of iPhone 8, 8 Plus, 7 & 7 Plus. This can be circumvented by activating the software home button (Assistive Touch) function
- In the case of strongly vibrating motorbikes, the integrated vibration damping of the mount may not be sufficient and the camera functionality of the smartphone may be impaired. A defect of the camera is possible under extreme circumstances. We recommend using the SP Connect Anti Vibration Module to reduce vibrations as much as possible.
Tillverkarinformation: SP Connect
Vill du använda smarttelefonen som navigator? Bra idé! Men hur fäster man mobiltelefonen snabbt och säkert på motorcykeln? Särskilt högkvalitativa och intelligenta fästen har SP Connect.
Kärnan i konceptet utgörs av mobiltelefonsskalet, kallat Phone Case, som har en integrerad fästningsmekanism. SP Connect har även liknande produkter såsom CNC-frästa och vibrationsdämpande hållare som monteras på styret, spegelstagen eller RAM-kulhuvudssystem. Tillgängliga är även hållare för bil och cykel. Användningen är mycket enkel: Med en 90-graders vridning fixeras smarttelefonen på hållaren, och lossas i motsatt riktning.
För övrigt: SP grundades 1988 i Tyskland som tillverkare av snowboardbindningar och har därför en mängd erfarenhet när det kommer till smarta fästanordningar. Firman har idag säte i Wien, de tekniska kunskaperna kommer som förut från Tyskland och produkterna tillverkas i Kina.
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