Hand guards protectors
Hand guards protectors
Hand guards protectors
Hand guards protectors
Hand guards protectors
Hand guards protectors
Hand guards protectors
Hand guards protectors
Hand guards protectors
Hand guards protectors
Hand guards protectors
Hand guards protectors

Hand guards protectors


Artikelnummer 10099115

Inga bedömningar än.

1 906,72 kr 1

Hand guards protectors -PROTECTORS

The closed aluminium brackets are attached to the inside handlebar thread and handlebar and meet the highest demands.

Protects the hand protectors
Two-point mounting

Material: aluminium
Surface: powder-coated
Colour: black / black
Total weight: approx. 1.4 kg

Does not fit in conjunction with a handlebar riser.
Manufacturer: SW-Motech GmbH & Co. KG | Ernteweg 7-10 | 35282 Rauschenberg | Germany | +49 64258168050 | info@sw-motech.com | www.sw-motech.com
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