Knee Protector
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Sequence Knee Protector
If you're about to climb on your motocross or MX machine and go for a thrilling, high-speed off-road adventure, don't forget your alpinestars *Sequence* knee protectors. They give you top protection for joints and bones, combined with good freedom of movement and comfort - and that's what matters. Because then you can really enjoy your exciting sport!
These lightweight hybrid knee protectors offer maximum protection and comfort plus optimal ventilation. They are suitable for all riding styles, and are built to last.
The protector itself is made of a special polymer mix, whose main characteristics are optimal flexibility and light weight. alpinestars have utilised an external grid technology for the shell construction. This design, in combination with the mesh/elastane fabric gives maximum breathability and ventilation.
- The composite shells absorb impact forces
- A soft-bridge in the centre of the shell permits a high degree of flexibility and anatomical adaptation
- Round, thermoformed pads combined with a viscoelastic foam make for a perfect fit on the knee plus optimal protection for the kneecap
- Abrasion-resistant microfibre on the inner side (facing the motorcycle)
- Soft, shock-absorbing padding on the outer side
- The elastane fabric used is highly breathable and dimensionally stable
- The protector is kept in the right position by two straps
- CE-certified: EN 1621-1:2012 Level 1
- 48% polyproylene, 22% ethylene vinyl acetate, 11% polyester
Please note:
The M and XL sizes shown for the Alpinestars *Sequence* are in fact double sizes M = S/M and XL = L/XL
Till alpinestars märkesbutiken
Världsmästerliga motorcykelkläderAlpinestars är en av dagens mest betydelsefulla tillverkare av motorcykelkläder, eftersom företaget har påverkat branschen betydligt genom nya produktionssätt och material, innovativa detaljlösningar och de främsta behandlingsstandarderna. Oavsett om det handlar om motocross-stövlar, touringhandskar eller läderställ, erbjuder Alpinestars bland det bästa som finns på marknaden. Produkterna från Alpinestars utvecklas även i samarbete med racingstjärnor som rallylegenden Mark Coma eller Moto-GP-förbiåkaren Marc Marquez – och det går att känna.
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