Viktiga upplysningar
The black anodised aluminium handlebar mount from Beeline for *Moto II* navigation devices is perfect for mounting on your motorcycle's handlebars. Thanks to the adjustable insert, the navigation device can be rotated for an optimal view of the screen.
Good to know:
- the foldable clamp and the one-piece labelled spacer simplify installation and reduce the number of parts
- the screw of the main clamp is hidden under the insert
- larger and longer screw threads prevent the mounts from coming loose and the screws from wearing out
- 1 x Beeline handlebar mount suitable for Moto II devices
- Reducing inserts for handlebar diameters: 22.2 mm / 25.4 mm (1’ inch) / 28.6 mm / 31.8 mm
The company Beeline, based in London, was founded in 2015. Already in 2015, the first device for bicycles came on the market with the name Beeline *Velo*. In 2017, the Beeline *Moto* version for motorcycles followed. Beeline works with a specially developed Beeline app for smartphones (Android/iOS). It also offers various mounts, a charger and bag, and other accessories. The strength of the Beeline navigation lies in the reduction to the essentials in the display presentation while driving and in the very simple operation. All so you can have a better, more focused driving experience. Beyond business, Beeline is committed to social issues, sustainability and health.
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