EVO Outback sidecase, offset to right
Artikelnummer 10099007
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EVO Outback sidecase, offset to right
Right side case made of aluminium EVO Trekker Outback Monokey. Offset to the side.
In black (10099007) or silver (10099111)
The new rounded 33 L. Outback EVO SMART side case is designed for adventure motorbikes with a high tailpipe on the right-hand side and offers all the innovation of the ‘Outback’ range.
The side cut-out allows the silencer tailpipe to be accommodated, while the reduced space requirement ensures compliance with the legal standards for the maximum width of the motorbike.
Only available for the right-hand side, is mounted on PLOS_ CAM frames.
The lid opening system, Detachable Lid System, has been renewed and reinforced with stainless steel. It enables the hinge to be locked and the lid to be removed completely.
The new hook system, Hold it Active System, makes it even more convenient to use: the case can be tilted without having to release it completely from the side support, making it easier to open the lid if a top case is fitted.
The system can be activated/deactivated as required, even when the case is mounted.
Volume: approx. 33 litres
Dimensions WxHxD: approx. 55.7 x 39.3 x 26.6 cm
Max. Max. load: 10 kg
Locking cylinder 10072372 (1x set) must be purchased separately. If simultaneous locking with side cases is required, please order item 10072386 (2x set), 10072387 (3x) or 10072388 (5x).
In black (10099007) or silver (10099111)
The new rounded 33 L. Outback EVO SMART side case is designed for adventure motorbikes with a high tailpipe on the right-hand side and offers all the innovation of the ‘Outback’ range.
The side cut-out allows the silencer tailpipe to be accommodated, while the reduced space requirement ensures compliance with the legal standards for the maximum width of the motorbike.
Only available for the right-hand side, is mounted on PLOS_ CAM frames.
The lid opening system, Detachable Lid System, has been renewed and reinforced with stainless steel. It enables the hinge to be locked and the lid to be removed completely.
The new hook system, Hold it Active System, makes it even more convenient to use: the case can be tilted without having to release it completely from the side support, making it easier to open the lid if a top case is fitted.
The system can be activated/deactivated as required, even when the case is mounted.
Volume: approx. 33 litres
Dimensions WxHxD: approx. 55.7 x 39.3 x 26.6 cm
Max. Max. load: 10 kg
Locking cylinder 10072372 (1x set) must be purchased separately. If simultaneous locking with side cases is required, please order item 10072386 (2x set), 10072387 (3x) or 10072388 (5x).
Manufacturer: GIVI Deutschland GmbH | Ernst-Sachs-Str. 26 | 90441 Nürnberg | Germany | +49 9119551022 | |
Tillverkarinformation: Givi
Givi grundades 1978 av Giuseppe Visenzi i norditalienska Brescia. Sedan dess har firman utvecklats till en av de största producenterna av motorcykeltillbehör. Italiensk elegans, genomtänkt funktionalitet, hög tillverkningskvalitet och god prisvärdhet bidrar till att Givi-produkterna får utomordentliga kundomdömen hos oss gång på gång.
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