S111 Power Hub
S111 Power Hub
S111 Power Hub
S111 Power Hub
S111 Power Hub
S111 Power Hub
S111 Power Hub
S111 Power Hub
S111 Power Hub
S111 Power Hub

S111 Power Hub


Artikelnummer 10012092

4 Bedömningar

RFP 808,11 kr 2
619,81 kr 1


Power Hub - power source for inside your tank bag. The tank bag hub kit is screw-mounted and provides a waterproof electrical connection from the outside to the inside of your tank bag. A connecting cable is provided for connection to the Givi S110 ??? 12V power socket. The hub, with 3 USB ports for up to 2200 mAh each, and a 12V DIN outlet for up to 5.000 mAh, covers all your electrical requirements, providing guaranteed power for mobile phone smartphone, GPS sat nav, tablet or cool bag.


  • Three devices can be supplied, each via a USB port for up to 2200 mAh, while a fourth is fed by a 12V ISO connection for up to 5000 mAh
  • External wiring is absolutely waterproof
  • No adapters for original USB cables are necessary


  • Power Hub
  • Connection cable for GIVI S110
  • Cable port
  • Installation template for cable port
  • Hook-and-loop fastener for securing the Power Hub inside your tank bag

Caution: Installation is only possible in combination with the GIVI S110 Power Socket! IMPORTANT: An opening must be cut in your tank bag in a suitable position for making the electrical connection (see the instructions for details).

registration number WEEE: NPWD 349771
Bedömningar (4)
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