GSG Mototechnik
Artikelnummer 10070578
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Axle protectors set for the front wheel
Various models, in blue, black, orange, red, gold and silver anodised.
When it comes to crash pads, GSG Mototechnik has over 30 years of experience and has become one of the top addresses worldwide. GSG crash pads for front and rear wheels reliably protect the wheel axles and the wheel area in daily use on many road motorbikes and also on racing bikes. GSG pads are among the most tested and proven products in the field of crash protection.
made of special high-performance plastic, CNC-machined
Large contact surface of ~60 mm optimally absorbs forces that occur in the event of a fall / rollover
Precisely calculated radii on the edges of the pads ensure an optimum sliding effect.
Mounting adapter and carrier plates are made of a special aluminium alloy
Pressed-in steel bushings at the points where there is a direct connection to the frame or engine ensure that the pads fit correctly. This ensures that the manufacturers' torque values for fastening are correctly adhered to.
secure fit of the pads is guaranteed
Scope of delivery:
1 x GSG axle protectors set for the front wheel.
Mounting material, installation instructions
Various models, in blue, black, orange, red, gold and silver anodised.
When it comes to crash pads, GSG Mototechnik has over 30 years of experience and has become one of the top addresses worldwide. GSG crash pads for front and rear wheels reliably protect the wheel axles and the wheel area in daily use on many road motorbikes and also on racing bikes. GSG pads are among the most tested and proven products in the field of crash protection.
made of special high-performance plastic, CNC-machined
Large contact surface of ~60 mm optimally absorbs forces that occur in the event of a fall / rollover
Precisely calculated radii on the edges of the pads ensure an optimum sliding effect.
Mounting adapter and carrier plates are made of a special aluminium alloy
Pressed-in steel bushings at the points where there is a direct connection to the frame or engine ensure that the pads fit correctly. This ensures that the manufacturers' torque values for fastening are correctly adhered to.
secure fit of the pads is guaranteed
Scope of delivery:
1 x GSG axle protectors set for the front wheel.
Mounting material, installation instructions
Manufacturer: SPIEGLER BREMSTECHNIK GMBH | Krummholzstrasse 5 | 79206 Breisach | Germany | +497667906640 | |
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Tillverkarinformation: GSG Mototechnik
Till GSG Mototechnik artiklarna
Fordonsskydd – Made in GermanyI mer än 35 år har tyska GSG Mototechnik spelat en mycket viktig roll med förstklassiga skyddskomponenter för över 500 racingteam. Med sina stötskydd garanterar GSG Mototechnik maximal säkerhet för förare och motorcyklar över hela världen.
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Skriv en recension för GSG axle protectors COLOURED FRONT WHEEL
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