HELD 51929.47 LSE STL. 48
Viktiga upplysningar
If you want your new leather jacket to be stylish but not fancy, and made of thick leather, yet soft, then you should take a look at the Held 51929.47 Leather Jacket. It features a casual cut and an attractive, matt look, plus it feels great when you pull it on. So how will you look when you wear it on your motorbike? Fantastic!
- Stretch leather at the sides
- Decorative leather trim
- All-round connection zipper
- 4 outside pockets
- 2 inner bags
- Removable soft protectors for your shoulders and elbows
- Elbow protectors are height-adjustable
- ISO 4916 safety seams at the impact points
- Optional: SUPER SHIELD - back protector (48 -54: 20019169 or 20019210, from 56: 20019181 or 20019036 can be retrofitted
- Cowhide, approx. 1.1 mm - 1.3 mm thick
- Fixed lining, 50% polyester, 37% cotton, 10% polyamide
- Shoulders and elbows reinforced with foam padding, 100% polyester
Please note that a different size guide applies to this product.
You can find it under "Documents".
Tip: The loops on the inside of the jacket are for inserting the Held Clip-In jackets.
Manufacturer: Held GmbH | An Der Ostrach 7 | 87545 Burgberg-Erzfloesse | Germany | +49 832166460 | info@held.de | www.held.de
Motorcykelhandskar, motorcykelkläder och mycket mer
Det som började 1946 i en liten verkstad för tillverkning av handskar, är idag en av de största producenterna av motorcykelkläder i Tyskland. Sedan Held tillverkade en av de första speciella racehandskarna för Toni Mang 1983, klassas Held som en av de främsta producenterna av handskar. Det ryktet har bättrats på ytterligare tack vare ständig vidareutveckling och banbrytande innovationer vid sidan av bästa hantverkskvalitet. Och det gäller inte bara handskarna: Även textil- och läderklädesplaggen, hjälmarna, tankväskorna, sadelväskorna och mycket mer från familjeföretaget i södra Tyskland fortsätter att ta världen med storm.
Most traditional, high-quality outer material with cult status for motorcycle clothing and accessories. Unmistakable in its natural, high-quality look, the strong image, ideally suited to both figure-hugging and highly functional designs. The biker's "second skin" still has the edge over any textile material when it comes to safety and resistance to abrasion and tearing. The way the material stretches as the clothing is worn means that leather clothing adapts to the body contours ideally, thus also guaranteeing that protectors fit optimally. Leather clothing should therefore always be bought with a close fit. Impregnation, leather oil and surface coatings guarantee good weather protection and a degree of rainproofing, but unfortunately also limit the breathability. Relatively heavy, but enthusiasts value this as a "quality feature". Looked after properly, it is very durable. Because leather does not itself offer much thermal insulation, the other features of the garment, or the base layers of clothing, must provide some help here.
- Country of manufacture: Pakistan
- Certification: EN 17092:2020
- Class: AA
- membrane: utan
- outer shell: Oxläder
- removable lining: utan
- permanent lining: Blandat tyg
- Non waterproof outside pockets: 2
- reinforcement: på axlar och armbågar
- additional feature: utan
- removable protectors: Axlar och armbågar
- protector pockets prepared for: Ryggskydd
- non waterproof outside pockets: ergonomisk
- width adjustment: utan
- Reflekterande material: utan
Produktegenskaper i översikt
- ISO 4916 safety seams at impact points
- Height-adjustable elbow protector
- Stretchable applications
- All-round connecting zipper
- Inside pocket(s)
- Windproof
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