Quad Lock
Motorcycle brake reservoir bracket
Artikelnummer 10063051
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650,27 kr 2
325,08 kr 1
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Motorcycle brake reservoir bracket BRAKE RESERVOIR MOUNT
The Quad Lock Brake Cylinder Mount is the perfect solution for mounting your smartphone on the brake fluid reservoirs of maxi scooters, scooters and motorcycles.
Thanks to our patented two-stage locking mechanism, you can be sure that your smartphone will remain stable while driving, no matter what the conditions. The mount is fixed to your scooter's brake fluid reservoir with screws, which reduces the risk of the fasteners coming loose due to vibrations or thermal influences.
The index head is adjustable in tilt and the arm has multiple pivot points, allowing you to flexibly position your smartphone at the best viewing angle without affecting the controls of your scooter or motorcycle. The hole spacing range is suitable for lengths from 38 mm to 70 mm (1 1/2‘ to 2 3/4’). The mount can slide sideways when mounted on small brake reservoir caps to give you optimal access to all controls.
With high-quality materials and a discreet design, the brake reservoir mount fits perfectly with the design of your scooter or motorcycle.
Powder coated steel bracket
Thanks to our patented two-stage locking mechanism, you can be sure that your smartphone will remain stable while driving, no matter what the conditions. The mount is fixed to your scooter's brake fluid reservoir with screws, which reduces the risk of the fasteners coming loose due to vibrations or thermal influences.
The index head is adjustable in tilt and the arm has multiple pivot points, allowing you to flexibly position your smartphone at the best viewing angle without affecting the controls of your scooter or motorcycle. The hole spacing range is suitable for lengths from 38 mm to 70 mm (1 1/2‘ to 2 3/4’). The mount can slide sideways when mounted on small brake reservoir caps to give you optimal access to all controls.
With high-quality materials and a discreet design, the brake reservoir mount fits perfectly with the design of your scooter or motorcycle.
- 1 x Quad Lock brake reservoir mount
- 2 x M4 x 16 CSK bolts
- 2 x M4 x 18 CSK bolts
- 1 x 3mm/4mm combination Allen key
- Made from tough glass-filled nylon
- Stainless steel pivot and threaded inserts
Powder coated steel bracket
- High tensile steel fixings with micro-encapsulated locking
- Mounting hole spacing of 38mm to 70mm (1 1/2‘ - 2 3/4’)
- Multi-pivot arm adjustment and head tilt adjustment
- Side adjustment when mounted on small brake reservoir caps
Tillverkarinformation: Quad Lock
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